3. 转机旅客如果不入住酒店且不出开罗机场,无须提供72小时核酸检测阴性证明给埃及,但需要根据入境国的要求来提供核酸检测阴性证明或者相应的核酸检测码登机。
5. 6岁以下儿童(所有国籍)无须提供核酸检测阴性证明入境埃及。
6. 符合以下条件的核酸检测阴性证明才可以被接受:
1. All passengers "including Egyptians" travelling to Egypt must be in possession of negative PCR test certificate for (COVID-19), the test must be conducted prior to flight time scheduled by maximum 72 hours before arriving at any of the Egyptian Airports.
2. Transit Passengers (who are entitled for Hotel Accommodation and will not be staying at Cairo Airport till their Onward Flight) must be in possession of negative PCR test even if their final destination country doesn’t require a negative PCR test in order to be hotel accommodated.
3. Transit Passengers (who are not entitled for hotel accommodation and will be staying at Cairo Airport till their onward flight) are not required PCR for Egypt.
4. All passengers arriving from African countries must obtain an approved yellow fever vaccination certificate.
5. All children "of all nationalities" under 6 years old are exempted from PCR test.
6. The submitted PCR certificate will be accepted if it meets these requirements:
It includes the hour and the date of withdrawal of the sample, which is the date on which the 72 hours will be counted.
Issued by an accredited laboratory and stamped with the laboratory’s stamp and does not contain scraping, cancellation or addition.
Indicating the type of sample taken for the swab.
Indicating that the type of test is (RT - PCR).
Certificate is accepted in Arabic or English language.