

作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站 发布时间:2020-12-10 10:50 浏览:2191

由于疫情原因,目前大量的外籍人仍然被困在外。同时也有很多在中国境内的外籍人员遇到各种签证问题。诸如跟公司解除合同了,公司要注销居留许可;如签证快到期了;如护照没有空白页可以贴签了等各式各样的问题。Because of the outbreak, a large number of foreigners are still stranded outside. There are also many foreigners in China who are experiencing various visa problems. For example, if you cancel the contract with the company, the company will cancel your residence permit. If the visa is about to expire; If there is no blank page in the passport and so on.




We has recently dealt with a very special case:



Mr. I from M country terminated his labor relationship due to the company's reasons, and the company handled the cancellation of his work permit and residence permit in accordance with relevant regulations. But here comes the problem. Mr. I had applied for a residence permit visa for many years before, and he used the same passport for entry and exit all the time. He didn't notice that the blank page of his passport had been used up, and he didn't expect that he would lose his job due to the impact of the epidemic (due to the company). When the company said they needed to cancel his residence permit, he found that there was no blank page in the passport to stick the new visa. Moreover, due to his special nationality, the embassy of his nationality country in China could not renew his passport. In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic, his country also has closed, which temporarily prevented him from going back to apply for a new passport.



When they couldn't think of any way to continue his stay in China, Mr. I's wife and her work unit asked Xino to help solve the problem. Mr. I's wife's work unit has been cooperating with Xino to obtain the work permit for foreigners. Due to the special situation of Mr. I, After combining our own experience and confirming with the entry-exit communication with Shenzhen, Xino finally made a reasonable solution for him. Xino successfully applied for cancellation of work residence permit (change to stay permit), then applied S2 visa for him, so that Mr. I could continue to stay in China without leaving.




签证咨询:18170908188   团队咨询:18170908188
网址:https://www.visajx.com/     版权所有:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司
          公司地址 :江西省南昌市红谷滩新区红谷中大道788号江信国际花园19号楼807室