

作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站 发布时间:2021-3-10 09:41 浏览:
自3月8日起,从希腊机场出发前往国外的旅客也必须在网站 https://travel.gov.gr上填写《旅客定位表》。需要注意的是,2021年3月8日至3月22日期间,从国外前往希腊并入境的旅客必须在家中或临时居住地接受为期7天的强制隔离。若在希腊停留时间少于7天,仍适用上述隔离要求。


​According to the updated rules applying to all international flights to Greece in the period between March 8 to 22, 2021:

From March 8, passengers arriving on international flights will be required to have a negative PCR test result for COVID-19, performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece. 

The certificate of the test result must be also in the English language and include name, surname and passport number of the holder.

Furthermore, passengers arriving in Greece on international flights are required to fill in a Passenger Locator Form at the website https://travel.gov.gr.
From March 8, the obligation to fill in a Passenger Locator Form at the website https://travel.gov.gr is extended to passengers departing from Greek airports to go abroad.
It is also noted that especially passengers traveling from abroad to Greece and entering the country from March 8 to 22, 2021 are required to undergo a 7-day mandatory preventive quarantine, either at home or in the place of provisional residency. In case that they are going to stay in Greece for a period shorter than 7 days, the aforementioned quarantine applies accordingly.
Until further notice, the aforementioned restrictions will apply until March 22, 2021.

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