

作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站 发布时间:2022-4-10 16:25 浏览:
自 2022 年 7 月 3 日起至 2022 年 10 月 29 日,LX189 机票(上海至苏黎世)还有 LX188 机票(苏黎世至上海)从每周 1 班变更为每两周 1 班。
LX138机票(苏黎世至香港)将暂停运营至 2022 年 5 月 6 日。LX139 机票(香港至苏黎世)将暂停运营至 2022 年 5 月 8 日。
即日起至 2022 年 10 月 29 日

1、*+1 表达第二天抵达,出发及抵达时间均为当地时间。
- 上海飞往法兰克福:原定于 4 月 8 日的 LH729 机票将暂停运营。
- 法兰克福飞往上海:原定于 4 月 11 日的 LH728 机票将暂停运营。
- 上海飞往苏黎世:原定于 4 月 12 日、4 月 19 日、4 月 26 日还有 5 月 3 日的 LX189 机票将暂停运营。
- 苏黎世飞往上海:原定于 4 月 10 日、4 月 17 日、4 月 24 日还有 5 月 1 日的 LX188 机票将暂停运营。
- 上海飞往维也纳:原定于 4 月 10 日的 OS076 机票将暂停运营。
- 法兰克福飞往沈阳:原定于 4 月 19 日、4 月 26 日、5 月 3 日还有 5 月 10 日的 LH720 机票将暂停运营。
- 慕尼黑往返香港:LH730 机票将暂停运营至 10 月 29 日;LH731 机票将暂停运营至 10 月 30 日。
- 德商会包机不包含在此时刻表中。
5、更新日期:2022 年 4 月 8 日
Swiss International Air Lines has updated its summer flight schedule. The frequency of some flights have been adjusted. Please refer to updated timetable and brief overview as below.
From 3rd July to 29th October 2022, Flight LX189 from Shanghai to Zurich and Flight LX188 from Zurich to Shanghai will be changed from once a week to once every two weeks.
Hong Kong-Zurich-Hong Kong:
Flight LX138 from Zurich to Hong Kong is suspended until 6th May 2022. Flight LX139 from Hong Kong to Zurich is also suspended until 8th May 2022.
For passengers who booked on the suspended flights, our colleague or your travel agency will give you the notice shortly. We strongly recommend all passengers to check the latest flight status via our website, or SWISS customer service center (Please refer to our subsidiary post for updated contact information) or your travel agency before journeys are made.
Lufthansa Group Summer Flight Schedule for Greater China
Until 29th Oct. 2022

Click to view
- *+1=Arrival on next day, all local time.
- **Please note:
1. Shanghai-Frankfurt: Flight LH729 will be suspended on 8th April.
2. Frankfurt-Shanghai: Flight LH728 will be suspended on 11th April.
3. Shanghai-Zurich: Flight LX189 will be suspended on 12th, 19th , 26th April and 3rd May.
4. Zurich-Shanghai: Flight LX188 will be suspended on 10th, 17th , 24th April and 1st May.
5. Shanghai-Vienna: Flight OS076 will be suspended on 10th April.
6. Frankfurt-Shenyang: Flight LH720 will be suspended on 19th, 26th April, 3rd and 10th May.
7. Munich-Hong Kong-Munich: Flights LH730 will be suspended until 29th October and LH731 will also be suspended until 30th October.
8. AHK charter programme is exculded.
- Flight schedules are subject to changes. Please always check the latest information via our websites before departure.
- Last updated on 8th April 2022.

上一篇:新西兰:4月12日起留学生可入境 5月起开放旅游签证入境

 签证咨询:18170908188   团队咨询:18170908188
网址:https://www.visajx.com/     版权所有:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司
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