

作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站 发布时间:2022-6-29 09:11 浏览:
测试采样方式须为鼻咽拭子。测试证明须为英语版,并包含采样时间、测试结果(阴性)、游客姓名、出生日期、持用国际旅游证件号码、机构印章或医生签名、可供核实的测试机构或医生的联系电话或电邮等。测试证明必须标明rt-PCR、鼻咽拭子(nasopharyngeal swab)字样。
曾在医疗机构确诊新冠,或虽未确诊但核酸测试曾呈阳性的人员,均视为有感染史人员。此类人员申请健康码需提交EU Covid Certificate或医学报告证明痊愈时间。如痊愈超过14天,可按照本通知第二部分申请健康码;如痊愈不满14天,需补足14天后按照本通知第二部分申请健康码。
中国公民可通过“防疫健康码国际版”微信小程序在线填写信息并拍摄上传2次核酸测试阴性证明、行程单、在挪有效居留证明、EU Covid Certificate(如适用)等材料申请健康码。经我馆审核通过后,可获得带“HS”标识的绿色健康码。请在健康码有效期之内乘机,并在乘机时配合航空公司查验。
外国公民可通过电脑或手机等终端登录网站:http://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/,在线填写信息、申报健康状况,拍摄上传2次核酸测试阴性证明、行程单、在挪有效居留证明、EU Covid Certificate(如适用)等材料申请健康码。经我馆审核通过后,可获得带“HDC”标识的绿色健康码。请在健康码有效期之内乘机,并在乘机时配合航空公司查验。

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of Covid-19 and based on characteristics of the Omicron variant and the principle of being scientific, targeted, flexible and convenient, starting from 29 June, 2022, all Chinese and foreign passengers who are to fly from Norway to China will be required to take two nucleic acid tests and apply for a green health code with the "HS" or "HDC" mark before boarding the flights. The specific requirements are as follows:
I. Travel Requirements
All passengers starting from Norway need to take two nucleic acid tests and apply for HS/HDC Code within 48 hours before boarding their flights both in Norway and in the transit country where the direct flight to China sets off.
II. Nucleic Acid Test Requirements
All passengers should take two nucleic acid tests within 48 hours before boarding in Norway in two different registered test institutions with minimum interval of 24 hours. The second nucleic acid test must be done within 24 hours before boarding in Norway.
Tests must use nasopharyngeal swab as sampling method. Test certificates have to be in English and include test date, test result (negative), passenger’s name, DOB, travel document number, doctor’s signature or institution’s stamp and telephone number or e-mail address of the institution or doctor for verification. Test certificates must include terms of rt-PCR and Nasopharyngeal Swab.
III. Additional Requirements for Passengers Who Have a COVID-19 Infection Record
"Passengers Who Have a COVID-19 Infection Record" refers to those who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 by a medical institution or have a positive nucleic acid test record though never being diagnosed with Covid-19 by a medical institution.
These passengers are allowed to apply for the HS/HDC Code according to Part II after they have recovered for more than 14 days. The EU Covid Certificate or other medical report needs to be submitted to prove their recovery date.
Those who can’t provide the EU Covid Certificate or other medical report should send certificates of two negative nucleic acid tests taken within three days and with minimum interval of 24 hours to consular@chinese-embassy.no. After getting the Embassy’s confirmation, these passengers need to stay in isolation for 14 days and fill in Personal Health Monitoring Form. For tests taken within 48 hours before boarding in Norway, please see Part II.
IV. Additional Requirement for Passengers Who Are Abroad for Short-Term Trips of more than 1 country
Passengers who are abroad for short-term trips of more than 1 country could take the country where the direct flight to China sets off as the starting country. They can apply for the HS/HDC Code directly from the Chinese Embassy/Consulate in that country.
V. Application Method
1. Chinese Citizens Applying for Green Health Code with the "HS" Mark
Chinese citizens shall upload to the WeChat Health Code app photos of two negative nucleic acid test certificates, itinerary, valid residence certificate in Norway and EU Covid Certificate (if applicable), which will then be examined and verified by the Embassy. Upon approval, they will get a green health code with the "HS" mark. Passengers must present the green code within its validity period to the airlines before boarding.
2. Non-Chinese Citizens Applying for Green Health Code with the "HDC" Mark
Non-Chinese passengers shall apply by logging on the website of http://hrhk.cs.mfa.gov.cn/H5/ via computer or smart phone, and fill in the information, declare the health status and upload photos of two negative nucleic acid test certificates, itinerary, valid residence certificate in Norway and EU Covid Certificate (if applicable), which will then be examined and verified by the Embassy. Upon approval, they will get a green health code with the "HDC" mark. Passengers must present the green code within its validity period to the airlines before boarding.
VI. Reminder
Please read the requirements carefully and follow them accordingly. Failure to obtain the green health code with the "HS" or "HDC" mark will be refused to board the flight to China and will have to change your itinerary.
Please check the transit country's entry regulations and its nucleic acid tests requirements beforehand. Failure to enter the transit country or meet the requirements regarding the tests and the green code could result in being stranded and heightening infection risks.
Please monitor your health before travel to China and protect yourself before boarding the flights and during the trip.


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