Updated Info Note for Passengers Arriving or Departing From Rwanda
The following Covid-19 travel guidelines and procedures are in place for travelers arriving or departing from Rwanda.
These guidelines will be regularly reviewed and revised in light of health conditions.
a. 搭乘飞往基加利机票的旅客,必须在起飞前72小时内提交新冠肺炎测试阴性报告(快速或PCR测试)。五(5)岁以下儿童无需测试。
b. 出发前不再要求填写旅客定位表。
Before Departure
a. Passengers boarding flights to Kigali must present a negative Covid-19 test (rapid or PCR) taken no more than 72 hours prior to departure. Children under five (5) years of age do not require a test.
b. The Passenger Locator Form is no longer a requirement before departure.
a. 抵达基加利国际机场后,不再要求进行额外的新冠肺炎测试。
b. 某些会议场所和国家公园需要进行新冠肺炎测试。卫生部门和其余指定测试点可为所有参观火山、纽恩威和基施瓦蒂-姆库拉(Gishwati-Mukura)三个国家公园的旅客进行快速抗原测试,费用为5,000卢旺达法郎(或5美元),还有PCR测试,费用为50,000卢旺达法郎(或50美元)。
c. 在卢旺达不再强制执行口罩令,但鼓励在室内公共场所佩戴口罩。
a. An additional Covid test is no longer required upon arrival at Kigali International Airport.
b. Certain meeting venues and national parks require Covid tests. Testing is available at health facilities and other designated sites for 5,000 RWF (or US$5) for rapid antigen tests, and 50,000 RWF (or US$50) for PCR tests required for all visits to primates in Volcanoes, Nyungwe and Gishwati-Mukura National Parks.
c. Face masks are no longer mandatory in Rwanda, but their use is encouraged in public indoor settings.
测试结果将通过短信或电子邮件方式共享,并可通过在线门户网站www.rbc.gov.rw 查询。假如难以获得结果,请通过114电话或邮件covid@rbc.gov.rw联系卢旺达生物医学中心(RBC)的医疗团队。
Test Results
Test results will be shared by SMS or email, and via the online portal accessible at www.rbc.gov.rw. In case of difficulty obtaining results, contact the RBC Medical Team on 114 or covid@rbc.gov.rw.
a. 乘坐飞机离开卢旺达无需进行新冠肺炎测试。但对最终目的地需要在卫生中心和其余指定地点进行新冠肺炎测试的所有旅客,则需(自费)进行新冠肺炎测试。
b. 所有12岁及以上的卢旺达旅游者,在乘飞机离开卢旺达前,必须出示达成全程接种疫苗的证明。
a. A Covid test is no longer a requirement to depart Rwanda by air. However, Covid testing (at own cost) is available for all travelers whose final destination requires one at health centers and other designated sites.
b. All Rwandan travellers aged 12 years and above must show proof of full vaccination before departing Rwanda by air.
请拨打114 或发邮件到 covid@rbc.gov.rw
Emergency Contact Information
Call 114 or email covid@rbc.gov.rw
Welcome to Rwanda and thank you for your cooperation in the fight against Covid.