

作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站 发布时间:2022-9-5 10:14 浏览:
自2022年八月4日0时起,韩国临时对中国澳门地区、中国台湾地区、日本 临时恢复免签入境,从而将电子旅游许可(K-ETA)申请对象临时扩大至包括日中国澳门地区、中国台湾地区、日本等共107个国家/地区,详情如下:
○ 电子旅游许可(K-ETA)申请对象国家/地区
○ 停留期:90天以内
K-ETA Announcement
- Period Extended for the Temporarily Added 3
countries/regions to October 31, 2022
Please be informed that the period for the temporarily added 3 countries/regions (Japan, Taiwan of China, and Macau of China) will be extended toOctober 31, 2022. Therefore, nationals of 107 countries (regions) will be able to apply for K-ETA during this period.
* Temporarily added from August 4 to October 31, 2022 : Japan, Taiwan of China, Macau of China
□ Attention ① There may be some delays in K-ETA application assessment due to increased applications following the additional inclusion of countries, so please apply for your K-ETAat least 72 hours before boarding the flight. ② Screening may be strengthened for the time being due to the COVID-19 situation, so please apply at the time of your actual entry rather than far in advance. ③ If there are any changes to your personal information or youhad your passport reissued after obtaining K-ETA approval, you must apply for K-ETA again regardless of the existingK-ETA approval’s validity. ④ From September 1, 2022, K-ETA is required for travelers entering JejuIsland.
Attached 1
K-ETA Required Countries (Regions) (107 countries (regions) from September 1, 2022)
□ 50 Eligible Countries (Regions) for K-ETA Albania, Andorra, Barbados, Dominica, Guam, Guyana, Holy See, Ireland, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Palau, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Slovenia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela, Greece, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Estonia, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Singapore
□ 46 Countries (Regions) added as of April 1, 2022 Malaysia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Israel, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Thailand, Turkey, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Brazil, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Haiti, Antigua and Barbuda, El Salvador, Uruguay, Jamaica, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada, Argentina, Honduras, Paraguay, Ecuador, Russia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Fiji, Tuvalu, Australia, Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Morocco, Mauritius, Botswana, Seychelles, Eswatini, Tunisia
□ 6 Countries (Regions) added as of May 1, 2022 Brunei Darussalam, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Panama, Peru, New Zealand, □ 1 Country (Region) added as of June 1, 2022 Grenada
□ 1 Country (Region) added as of July 1, 2022 Hong Kong of China
□ 3 Countries (Regions) temporarily added from August 4 to October 31, 2022 Japan, Taiwan of China, Macau of China
Attached 2
K-ETA Suspended Countries (Regions) (5 countries (regions) as of September 1, 2022)
5 Countries (Regions) Currently Suspended for K-ETA Oceania (5) Micronesia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tonga

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