美国东部时间1月5日12:01,美国疾控中心@CDCgov要求所有乘坐从中国(包括香港和澳门)始发的机票前去美国的两岁及以上的旅客出示(出发前两日内的)阴性新冠测试结果或康复证明。CDC 发布的最新常见问题解答请访问:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/testing-international-air-travelers.html
Details on COVID-19 testing before flying to the U.S.
On January 5, at 12:01 ET, @CDCgov will require a negative COVID-19 test result (taken within 2 days of departure) or proof of recovery for all travelers two years and older to the United States on flights originating from China, including Hong Kong and Macau. CDC’s newly released FAQs can be found on their website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/testing-international-air-travelers.html
Example of information in the FAQs:
Timing Requirements: Why does the Order specify 2 days rather than 48 hours? What is considered 2 days?
The 2-day period is 2 calendar days before the flight’s departure. The Order uses a 2-day time frame instead of 48 hours to provide more flexibility to the air passenger and aircraft operator. By using a 2-day window, test acceptability does not depend on the time of the flight or the time of day that the test sample was taken.
For example, if your flight is at 1pm on a Friday, you could board with a negative test that was taken any time on the prior Wednesday.