作者:江西顺签商务咨询有限公司 来源:本站
发布时间:2020-9-15 21:41 浏览:
Statement from Ambassador Branstad on his Planned Departure
I will be leaving my post as U.S. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China early next month.
It has been an extraordinary honor to represent the U.S. President and the American people over the last three plus years. We are rebalancing the U.S.-China relationship so it is fair and reciprocal and can fuel positive growth in both countries. That work will continue.
I depart just as optimistic as when I arrived. I have met so many extraordinary people here in China. My wife Chris and I will never forget your hospitality.
Read more here: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/press-statement-on-ambassador-branstads-planned-departure/